Cash Advance

A Cash Advancel is a faster, easier way to access the funds you need

Grow your Business With A Simple Cash Advance

Fast, flexible financing for your business

How It Works

Let’s say you want to expand, make renovations, or even upgrade your equipment. Getting money through a loan is not the only option. In fact, it is easier than ever to get the funds you need through Clover Capital, a program that converts your future credit card sales into working capital. Welcome a better way to borrow.


Apply faster than you would for traditional loans. Approvals typically take 1-2 business days.


Once you’re approved, you’ll see your working capital in your bank account in just 2-3 business days.


Your Cash Advance is based on your future sales, so repayment is worry-free. You pay more when your sales are strong; less if sales slow down.



To start, tell us a little about yourself and your business. It's fast. In addition, we work with your schedule & time!

Get A Pre-Qualified Amount

The amount of cash in advance is based on the average monthly Visa / MasterCard processing. Brilliant, right?

Pay According To Your Sales

Now you will not get caught with a fixed payment that your businesses current sales cannot make.

Common Reasons For Advance

Why use a Cash Advance?

Admittedly, loans can be stressful. And making payments is not always easy. Because cash in advance is based on future sales, you are borrowing what you know you can repay.


Refresh Your Space

Renovate your location to enhance your brand and your customers’ experience.

Grow Your Inventory

Inventory running low? A cash advance can ensure that you don't run out of what your business needs.

Promote Your Business

Want a bigger marketing budget? Use a cash advance to advertise your business and get more exposure to new customers.

Tailor-Made Digital Marketing

Customized Social Media Strategy

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Get the funds you need to grow your business.

Why a Cash Advance?

Many small business owners that accept credit and debit cards, instead of using short-term loans, leverage their regular credit card transactions to access borrowed capital via a cash advance based upon their future credit card sales. This type of financing is easy to access if you have good credit card volume,  as well as what makes a merchant cash advance (or business cash advance) different from a typical short term loan.

Cash Advance Features:

It’s easy to request a Paradigm Service’s Cash Advance. There is no application fee and the documentation is surprisingly minimal.

How Paradigm Service's Pre-Approval works:

If you’re eligible for a Clover Capital, we’ll send you an invitation via email.

Still Have Questions?

drop us a line and we will reach out